What do you think? Ok? I know "explosions" and sound effect is really missing in it. Maybe you can add it and post the code?
Here is how it looks:
Source code:
// List of shots // Shots is an object we have defined that represents a single bullet ArrayList<shot> shots = new ArrayList<shot>(); ArrayList<astroid> astroids = new ArrayList<astroid>(); // Settings - how many seconds between each new astroid (3 seconds = 3 * 60) int astroid_rate = 2 * 60; int astroid_count = 0; // Size in pixel of nominal astroid float ast_size = 10; int ast_id = 1; int score = 0; float hitRate = 0; int numShots = 0; int ships = 3; int pause = 0; // Run once void setup () { frameRate(60); size(500, 500); stroke(255); fill(255); } // Called 60 times per second void draw() { int i; // Find the angle from x=250, y=250 to the mouse float angle = atan2(mouseY - 250, mouseX - 250); if (pause==0) { // 1 new astroid every 5 seconds (60 fps * 4 sec) if (astroid_count--==0) { astroids.add(new astroid(random(0, TWO_PI), random(0.1, 2.5), random(0.5, 4), random(-0.1, 0.1), random(-150, 150), random(-150, 150), ast_id++)); // Increase rate just a little astroid_count = astroid_rate--; } // Clear screen, black background(0); // Go through all astroids (if any) and update their position for (i = 0; i<astroids.size(); i++) { astroid a = astroids.get(i); if (a.update()) { // Remove bullet, if outside screen astroids.remove(i); } // Detect collisions with Astroids by approximating ship with 4 circles // fill(160, 33, 100); // ellipse(250, 250, 11, 11); // ellipse(13*cos(angle-PI)+250, 13*sin(angle-PI)+250, 17, 17); // ellipse(10*cos(angle)+250, 10*sin(angle)+250, 7, 7); // ellipse(18*cos(angle)+250, 18*sin(angle)+250, 2, 2); if (a.coll(250, 250, 6, -1) || a.coll(13*cos(angle-PI)+250, 13*sin(angle-PI)+250, 9, -1) || a.coll(10*cos(angle)+250, 10*sin(angle)+250, 4, -1) || a.coll(18*cos(angle)+250, 18*sin(angle)+250, 1, -1)) { ships--; pause=3*60; } } // "pushMatrix" saves current viewpoint pushMatrix(); // Set 250,250 as the new 0,0 translate(250, 250); // Rotate screen "angle" rotate(angle); fill(255); // Draw a triangle (the ship) triangle(20, 0, -20, -10, -20, 10); // Bring back normal perspektive popMatrix(); } else { // Pause is larger than 0 // Clear screen, black background(0, 10); // Go through all astroids (if any) and update their position for (i = 0; i<astroids.size(); i++) { astroid a = astroids.get(i); a.incSpeed(); if (a.update()) { // Remove bullet, if outside screen astroids.remove(i); } } if (ships == 0) { // Clear screen, black textAlign(CENTER); text("Game Over", width/2, height/2); text("Press any key to restart", width/2, 2*height/3); // 1 new astroid every 0.5 seconds (60 fps * 0.5 sec) // To make something happen while waiting if (astroid_count--==0) { astroids.add(new astroid(random(0, TWO_PI), random(0.1, 2.0), random(0.5, 4), random(-0.1, 0.1), random(-150, 150), random(-150, 150), ast_id++)); // Increase rate just a little astroid_count = 30; } if (keyPressed == true) { score = 0; numShots = 0; ships = 3; astroid_rate = 3 * 60; astroid_count = 0; ast_id = 1; astroids = new ArrayList<astroid>(); } } else { // Wait until astroids are gone if (astroids.size()==0) { pause=0; } } } // Go through all shots (if any) and update their position for (i = 0; i<shots.size(); i++) { shot s = shots.get(i); if (s.update()) { // Remove bullet, if outside screen or if hits astroid shots.remove(i); } } textAlign(LEFT); text("Score : " + score, 15, 15); text("Ships : " + ships, 15, 30); text("Hit rate: " + int(100*score/float(numShots)) + "%", 15, 45); } // When left mouse button is pressed, create a new shot void mousePressed() { if (pause==0) { // Only add shots when in action if (mouseButton == LEFT) { float angle = atan2(mouseY - 250, mouseX - 250); shots.add(new shot(angle, 4)); numShots++; } if (mouseButton == RIGHT) { astroids.add(new astroid(random(0, TWO_PI), random(0.1, 2.0), random(0.5, 4), random(-0.1, 0.1), random(-80, 80), random(-80, 80), ast_id++)); } } } // Class definition for the shot class shot { // A shot has x,y, and speed in x,y. All float for smooth movement float angle, speed; float x, y, x_speed, y_speed; // Constructor shot(float _angle, float _speed) { angle = _angle; speed = _speed; x_speed = speed*cos(angle); y_speed = speed*sin(angle); x = width/2+20*cos(angle); y = height/2+20*sin(angle); } // Update position, return true when out of screen boolean update() { int i; x = x + x_speed; y = y + y_speed; // Draw bullet ellipse (x, y, 3, 3); // Check for collisions // Go through all astroids (if any) for (i = 0; i<astroids.size(); i++) { astroid a = astroids.get(i); if (a.coll(x, y, 3, -1)) { score++; ast_id++; astroids.remove(i); //Remove bullet return true; } } // End, check if outside screen if (x<0 || x>width || y<0 || y>height) { return true; } else { return false; } } } // Class definition for the shot class astroid { // An astroid angle, speed, size, rotation float angle, speed, size, rotSpeed; float position; float rotation; float xoff, yoff; float x, y; PShape s; // The PShape object - Keeps the astroid shape float i; int id; // Constructor astroid(float _angle, float _speed, float _size, float _rotSpeed, float _xoff, float _yoff, int _id) { angle = _angle; speed = _speed; size = _size; rotSpeed = _rotSpeed; xoff = _xoff; yoff = _yoff; id = _id; if (xoff<1000) { x = 250+500*cos(angle)+xoff; y = 250+500*sin(angle)+yoff; } else { x = _xoff-2000; y = _yoff-2000; } rotation = 0; // Generate the shape of the astroid - Some variations for all s = createShape(); s.beginShape(); s.fill(255, 255, 100); s.noStroke(); for (i=0; i<TWO_PI; i=i+PI/(random(4, 11))) { s.vertex(random(ast_size*0.8, ast_size*1.2)*cos(i), random(ast_size*0.8, ast_size*1.2)*sin(i)); } s.endShape(CLOSE); } // Increases the speed. Used in the end of the game to clear screen of astroids void incSpeed() { speed = speed * 1.02; } // Update position, return true when out of screen boolean update() { int i; x = x - cos(angle)*speed; y = y - sin(angle)*speed; rotation = rotation + rotSpeed; // Check for astroid vs astroid collision for (i = 0; i<astroids.size(); i++) { astroid a = astroids.get(i); if ((a != this) && (a.coll(x, y, ast_size*size, id))) { if (size > 1) { astroids.add(new astroid(angle-random(PI/5, PI/7), speed+random(0, speed/2), size/2, rotSpeed, 2000+x, 2000+y, id)); astroids.add(new astroid(angle+random(PI/5, PI/7), speed+random(0, speed/2), size/2, rotSpeed, 2000+x, 2000+y, id)); ast_id++; } astroids.remove(i); } } pushMatrix(); // Set position as the new 0,0 translate(x, y); // Rotate screen "angle" rotate(rotation); // Draw astroid scale(size); shape(s, 0, 0); // Bring back normal perspektive popMatrix(); if (x<-300 || x>800 || y<-300 || y>800) { return true; } else { return false; } } // boolean coll(float _x, float _y, float _size, int _id) { float dist; dist = sqrt ((x-_x)*(x-_x) + (y-_y)*(y-_y)); // Check if distance is shorter than astroid size and other objects size if ((dist<(_size+ast_size*size)) && (id!=_id)) { // Collision, if (_id>0) id = _id; if (size > 1) { // If the astroid was "large" generate two new fragments astroids.add(new astroid(angle-random(PI/5, PI/7), speed+random(0, speed/2), size/2, rotSpeed, 2000+x, 2000+y, id)); astroids.add(new astroid(angle+random(PI/5, PI/7), speed+random(0, speed/2), size/2, rotSpeed, 2000+x, 2000+y, id)); } return true; } else { return false; } } }
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