(15) Astroids - the game - written in processing

Working further and adding shot detection and other collisions made me realize this is maybe a little too big to be illustrating a simple game design. But I felt compelled to complete it to some working degree and the result is the source code below. In it you have three ships, you can shoot astroids and it will detect when you get hit. It also becomes more and more difficult as time goes by with more and more astroids being generated.

What do you think? Ok? I know "explosions" and sound effect is really missing in it. Maybe you can add it and post the code?

Here is how it looks:

Source code:

// List of shots
// Shots is an object we have defined that represents a single bullet
ArrayList<shot> shots = new ArrayList<shot>();
ArrayList<astroid> astroids = new ArrayList<astroid>();

// Settings - how many seconds between each new astroid (3 seconds = 3 * 60)
int astroid_rate = 2 * 60;
int astroid_count = 0;
// Size in pixel of nominal astroid
float ast_size = 10;
int ast_id = 1;
int score = 0;
float hitRate = 0;
int numShots = 0;
int ships = 3;

int pause = 0;

// Run once
void setup () {
  size(500, 500);

// Called 60 times per second
void draw()
  int i;
  // Find the angle from x=250, y=250 to the mouse
  float angle = atan2(mouseY - 250, mouseX - 250);

  if (pause==0) {

    // 1 new astroid every 5 seconds (60 fps * 4 sec)
    if (astroid_count--==0) {
      astroids.add(new astroid(random(0, TWO_PI), random(0.1, 2.5), random(0.5, 4), random(-0.1, 0.1), 
        random(-150, 150), random(-150, 150), ast_id++));
      // Increase rate just a little
      astroid_count = astroid_rate--;

    // Clear screen, black

    // Go through all astroids (if any) and update their position
    for (i = 0; i<astroids.size(); i++) {
      astroid a = astroids.get(i);
      if (a.update()) {
        // Remove bullet, if outside screen
      // Detect collisions with Astroids by approximating ship with 4 circles
      // fill(160, 33, 100);  
      // ellipse(250, 250, 11, 11);
      // ellipse(13*cos(angle-PI)+250, 13*sin(angle-PI)+250, 17, 17);
      // ellipse(10*cos(angle)+250, 10*sin(angle)+250, 7, 7);
      // ellipse(18*cos(angle)+250, 18*sin(angle)+250, 2, 2);
      if (a.coll(250, 250, 6, -1) ||
        a.coll(13*cos(angle-PI)+250, 13*sin(angle-PI)+250, 9, -1) ||
        a.coll(10*cos(angle)+250, 10*sin(angle)+250, 4, -1) ||
        a.coll(18*cos(angle)+250, 18*sin(angle)+250, 1, -1)) {

    // "pushMatrix" saves current viewpoint
    // Set 250,250 as the new 0,0 
    translate(250, 250);
    // Rotate screen "angle" 
    // Draw a triangle (the ship)
    triangle(20, 0, -20, -10, -20, 10);
    // Bring back normal perspektive
  } else {
    // Pause is larger than 0
    // Clear screen, black
    background(0, 10);

    // Go through all astroids (if any) and update their position
    for (i = 0; i<astroids.size(); i++) {
      astroid a = astroids.get(i);
      if (a.update()) {
        // Remove bullet, if outside screen
    if (ships == 0) {
      // Clear screen, black
      text("Game Over", width/2, height/2);
      text("Press any key to restart", width/2, 2*height/3);
      // 1 new astroid every 0.5 seconds (60 fps * 0.5 sec)
      // To make something happen while waiting 
      if (astroid_count--==0) {
        astroids.add(new astroid(random(0, TWO_PI), random(0.1, 2.0), random(0.5, 4), random(-0.1, 0.1), 
          random(-150, 150), random(-150, 150), ast_id++));
        // Increase rate just a little
        astroid_count = 30;
      if (keyPressed == true) {
        score = 0;
        numShots = 0;
        ships = 3;
        astroid_rate = 3 * 60;
        astroid_count = 0;
        ast_id = 1;
        astroids = new ArrayList<astroid>();
    } else {
      // Wait until astroids are gone
      if (astroids.size()==0) {
  // Go through all shots (if any) and update their position
  for (i = 0; i<shots.size(); i++) {
    shot s = shots.get(i);
    if (s.update()) {
      // Remove bullet, if outside screen or if hits astroid
  text("Score   : " + score, 15, 15);
  text("Ships   : " + ships, 15, 30);
  text("Hit rate: " + int(100*score/float(numShots)) + "%", 15, 45);

// When left mouse button is pressed, create a new shot
void mousePressed() {
  if (pause==0) {
    // Only add shots when in action
    if (mouseButton == LEFT) {
      float angle = atan2(mouseY - 250, mouseX - 250);
      shots.add(new shot(angle, 4));
    if (mouseButton == RIGHT) {
      astroids.add(new astroid(random(0, TWO_PI), random(0.1, 2.0), random(0.5, 4), random(-0.1, 0.1), 
        random(-80, 80), random(-80, 80), ast_id++));

// Class definition for the shot
class shot {
  // A shot has x,y, and speed in x,y. All float for smooth movement
  float angle, speed;
  float x, y, x_speed, y_speed;

  // Constructor  
  shot(float _angle, float _speed) {
    angle = _angle;
    speed = _speed;
    x_speed = speed*cos(angle);
    y_speed = speed*sin(angle);
    x = width/2+20*cos(angle);
    y = height/2+20*sin(angle);

  // Update position, return true when out of screen
  boolean update() {
    int i;
    x = x + x_speed;
    y = y + y_speed;

    // Draw bullet
    ellipse (x, y, 3, 3);

    // Check for collisions
    // Go through all astroids (if any)
    for (i = 0; i<astroids.size(); i++) {
      astroid a = astroids.get(i);
      if (a.coll(x, y, 3, -1)) {
        //Remove bullet
        return true;
    // End, check if outside screen
    if (x<0 || x>width || y<0 || y>height) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

// Class definition for the shot
class astroid {
  // An astroid angle, speed, size, rotation
  float angle, speed, size, rotSpeed;
  float position;
  float rotation;
  float xoff, yoff;
  float x, y;
  PShape s;  // The PShape object - Keeps the astroid shape
  float i;
  int id;

  // Constructor  
  astroid(float _angle, float _speed, float _size, float _rotSpeed, float _xoff, float _yoff, int _id) {
    angle = _angle;
    speed = _speed;
    size = _size;
    rotSpeed = _rotSpeed;
    xoff = _xoff;
    yoff = _yoff;
    id = _id;
    if (xoff<1000) {
      x = 250+500*cos(angle)+xoff;
      y = 250+500*sin(angle)+yoff;
    } else {
      x = _xoff-2000;
      y = _yoff-2000;
    rotation = 0; 
    // Generate the shape of the astroid - Some variations for all
    s = createShape();
    s.fill(255, 255, 100);
    for (i=0; i<TWO_PI; i=i+PI/(random(4, 11))) {
      s.vertex(random(ast_size*0.8, ast_size*1.2)*cos(i), random(ast_size*0.8, ast_size*1.2)*sin(i));

  // Increases the speed. Used in the end of the game to clear screen of astroids
  void incSpeed() {
    speed = speed * 1.02;

  // Update position, return true when out of screen
  boolean update() {
    int i;
    x = x - cos(angle)*speed;
    y = y - sin(angle)*speed;
    rotation = rotation + rotSpeed; 

    // Check for astroid vs astroid collision
    for (i = 0; i<astroids.size(); i++) {
      astroid a = astroids.get(i);
      if ((a != this) && (a.coll(x, y, ast_size*size, id))) {
        if (size > 1) {
          astroids.add(new astroid(angle-random(PI/5, PI/7), speed+random(0, speed/2), size/2, rotSpeed, 2000+x, 2000+y, id));
          astroids.add(new astroid(angle+random(PI/5, PI/7), speed+random(0, speed/2), size/2, rotSpeed, 2000+x, 2000+y, id));    

    // Set position as the new 0,0 
    translate(x, y);
    // Rotate screen "angle" 
    // Draw astroid
    shape(s, 0, 0);
    // Bring back normal perspektive

    if (x<-300 || x>800 || y<-300 || y>800) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  boolean coll(float _x, float _y, float _size, int _id) {
    float dist;

    dist = sqrt ((x-_x)*(x-_x) + (y-_y)*(y-_y));

    // Check if distance is shorter than astroid size and other objects size
    if ((dist<(_size+ast_size*size)) && (id!=_id)) {
      // Collision, 
      if (_id>0) id = _id;
      if (size > 1) {
        // If the astroid was "large" generate two new fragments
        astroids.add(new astroid(angle-random(PI/5, PI/7), speed+random(0, speed/2), size/2, rotSpeed, 2000+x, 2000+y, id));
        astroids.add(new astroid(angle+random(PI/5, PI/7), speed+random(0, speed/2), size/2, rotSpeed, 2000+x, 2000+y, id));
      return true;
    } else { 
      return false;

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